Saturday, January 2, 2021

Are you prepared for NEW beginning ?

"New year : a new chapter , a new verse , a fresh start or just the same old story ? 
Ultimately we write it , the choice is ours ."

new beginning

The beginning is most important part of the work and today is the first day of the rest of your life. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. So before running into new year and starting the fresh journey, just sit with yourself for sometime and try thinking and analysing the following points so that you can create and plan a stronger future as "What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year ":

1. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present

just chill

Just spend sometime thinking, analysing and learning from the past. Until you heal the wounds of your past, you are going to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with parties, with food, with friends, with alcohol, with drugs or with work but eventually , it will ooze through and stain your life as all these are just external means to distract your mind from hurting things that happened in past. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, the experiences, the failures and make peace with that and it all starts from within, just sit with yourself and become aware of it, accept it, forgive it, learn from it and release it. To forgive and to release it does not mean to forget it rather it means not to carry any bitterness in you because that destroys your life and trust me it is very simple once you decide to face and absorb the truth and reality as it is. 

never give up

This is the first and foremost step before making a new beginning. Last year has been one of the challenging years of our lives due to covid-19 pandemic. Just go through my blog "The advent of covid-19 pandemic in college life." if you wanna be peaceful about last year challenges. 

2. Focus on the Present Moment

start again

Focus on living fully in present moment. Don't let your whole life be "I will be happy when......". Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have and make NOW the primary focus of your life. In reality time is like a river, every past is still in present and also the future somehow depends on present, so one who has mastered to live in present reaches the destiny like that of a river finding its own way to Ocean. We need to live more in the present moment, living in the moment is also called mindfulness is a state of active, open, intentional attention on present. So do the best you can until you know better and then when you know better, do better. Abraham Lincoln has rightly said that "The best way to predict the future, is to create it" and you can create it only in the present moment. 

3. Be curious for your future and plan accordingly:


"The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you." 

embrace future

Now just repeat these lines as you read:

 I am not my past, 
I am not my mistakes, 
I am not my failures or successes, 
I am who I choose to become, 
I am who I decide to become, 
I am who I COMMIT to become, 
I COMMIT to become the best I can be, 
I forgive, 
I move on, 
I enjoy my life as it is, 
I look forward to the new me, 

Suming up altogether: 

be happy

After analysing and patiently following and understanding the above three steps, 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Advent of COVID-19 pandemic in college life

The Advent of COVID-19 pandemic in College Life

Let's spread some positivity!!

Are you missing your college life which has been disturbed by COVID-19 pandemic ? Then you will get inspiring content in this blog which will give you right direction and will surely make you feel better in this situation.

            positivity related to the advent of COVID-19 pandemic in college life.

Everything was hurting a lot. We have come to our homes for celebrating Holi holidays but now it has been five months and still there is no news of college reopening. Initially I tried to ignore the problem and thought everything will be alright after sometime. I used to scroll away the photos of my college life so that I don't long for those days but deep inside it was hurting and was creating a sense of incompleteness within.

One day I became sad after thinking all those days we used to spend together in college. I sighed thinking about all those memories and I know now it's time to put forth my intellect to deal with this situation. It was 10 pm and I went upstairs to terrace of my house and started staring the sky , the stars and the moon. Then came "A DEEP THOUGHT 🌟"   :

I questioned myself :
1. Why this COVID-19 pandemic has to come and ruin our college life ?
2. Is it really the worst phase that world is going through ?

                        Thinking on questions related to The Advent of COVID-19 pandemic in college life.

As I began thinking about these questions my mind wandered into the history of India. India was ruled by Britishers ( "British Raj" ) from 1858 to 1947. How difficult it has been for students and peoples of India to face those situations. But despite all those miseries they manage to throw out Britishers from India. This was the case of India but even world has faced more deadly times than this. Coming to World War 1 which was a global war that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. This was one of the the deadliest conflict in history , with an estimated nine million combatant deaths and 30 million civilian deaths as a direct result of war , while resulting genocides caused another 17 to 100 million death worldwide. Then World War 2 was also global war that lasted from 1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945. It was also one of the the deadliest conflict in human history , marked by 70 to 80 million fatalities. Tens of millions of people died due to genocides (including the holocaust ) , premeditate death from starvation , massacres and disease. As I slipped back into those times , I began to ponder over the things that what might have happened to education system and college life during that period. Education might have looked like a highly privileged thing when survival itself was in question. How harsh and opposing situation have been at that phase but despite all those miseries and difficulties this human race has always managed to cope up with it and flourished into happy and peaceful place over and over again. I sighed deeply after thinking all this and a strange smile came on my face and I knew that this occasional smile comes on my face when I get peace inside and yes I got the answers of all my questions. I guess you might have also questioned your sadness about " The Advent of COVID-19 pandemic in college life".    


Conclusion of the advent of COVID-19 pandemic in college life.

World has faced more challenging and difficult time than this COVID-19 pandemic like World War 1 and World War 2 but we have always managed to conquer all those difficult and harsh situations and have flourished into a happy and peaceful place over and over again.

If we have seen good times then we have to see bad times too , this is as certain as day and night. But remember one thing that "This too shall pass". Nothing is permanent so instead of crying and moaning over situation which is beyond our control , focus on how to get best out of this situation and direct your energy in right direction.

Life is full of uncertainties and that is the essence of life. If everything will happen according to our will then there will be no thrill in life. Trust God and let life happen a little by itself because the more you try to control something , the more it controls you , free yourself and let things take there own natural course. Sometimes we just need to have patience and be calm and live through all storms bravely.

In last I just want to say that " We must accept finite disappointments but never lose infinite hope ".

Hope ! Hold on pain ends.

If you liked the content then do follow this page for more inspiring and motivational content. Feel free to appreciate and criticize the content in comments. See you guys in my next blog , till then bye bye and take care.

Thank you guys for all your love and support!!

Are you prepared for NEW beginning ?

"New year : a new chapter , a new verse , a fresh start or just the same old story ?  Ultimately we write it , the choice is ours .&quo...